Grasping at Straws Ep 3

Welcome to episode 2 of our Tyrant But Deadly post show.  We’ll generally try to keep things related to the show, but every now and again we’ll likely veer off target.  Head to your link of choice and share your thoughts and/or drop a question.  We’ll answer what we can, with heavy emphasis on avoiding spoilers or unrevealed story bits.  If you haven’t listened to episodes 5 and 6 yet, you should probably pause this and head back to them first!

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

Also, check us out on twitch and youtube!

If you’d like to help us out, and maybe give a Hero Point to a character, buy us a coffee!

In the market for some new dice? (who isn’t?)  Use code SHOTS15 at Easy Roller Dice for 15% off your order!

Grasping at Straws Ep 2

Welcome to episode 2 of our Tyrant But Deadly post show.  We’ll generally try to keep things related to the show, but every now and again we’ll likely veer off target.  Head to your link of choice and share your thoughts and/or drop a question.  We’ll answer what we can, with heavy emphasis  on avoiding spoilers or unrevealed story bits.  If you haven’t listened to episodes 3 and 4 yet, you should probably pause this and head back to them first!

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

Also, check us out on twitch and youtube!

If you’d like to help us out, and maybe give a Hero Point to a character, buy us a coffee!

In the market for some new dice? (who isn’t?)  Use code SHOTS15 at Easy Roller Dice for 15% off your order!

Grasping at Straws Ep 1

Welcome to episode 1 of our Tyrant But Deadly post show.  We’ll generally try to keep things related to the show, but every now and again we’ll likely veer off target.  Head to your link of choice and share your thoughts and/or drop a question.  We’ll answer what we can, with heavy emphasis on avoiding spoilers or unrevealed story bits.  If you haven’t listened to episodes 1 and 2 yet, you should probably pause this and head back to them first!

You can visit us on twitter and facebook and even chat with us on discord!

Also, check us out on twitch and youtube!

If you’d like to help us out, and maybe give a Hero Point to a character, buy us a coffee!

In the market for some new dice? (who isn’t?)  Use code SHOTS15 at Easy Roller Dice for 15% off your order!

Upcoming Milestone!

Hello, again, everyone! We here at CSE have been discussing milestones for the podcast (overall, since we do have a few different shows) and our hopes and such for them. This was a while back, but we recently noticed we were closing in on 1000 downloads (which is super exciting, btw!) and it kinda came outta nowhere for us. We find it even more exciting that we’re poised to reach that number before our first anniversary!

So I share the info in our group message, because we always knew we wanted to do something for hitting 1K. We start brainstorming what we can do, but figure, eh, we’ve still got some time to figure it out. Turns out in the last week, the number left to reach to goal has been more than cut in half (THANK YOU, EVERYONE!)

In order to get out ahead of that, we’d like to announce that we’ll be holding a giveaway when we break past 1000 downloads! Since this jumped up on us quickly again, we haven’t locked everything down that we’re looking to do, but we’ll drop more info once we get it figured out.

So thank you. Thank you for taking this journey with us. Thank you for sticking around through our early teething phase when the audio was trash and we were a group of people sitting around a table with a single mic. Thank you for interacting with us on social media, and sharing us with your friends. Thank you for the kind words and kind reviews. Thank you for taking an active interest (and even a helping hand) in the characters we’ve created. Thank you for your continued support.

Here’s to another 1000.


Coronavirus Update!

Hey everyone! We hope you’re all staying safe out there! Yesterday we released the finale for season 2 of our Fall of Plaguestone actual play. We have 6 more episodes already recorded from before lockdowns, and hopefully we’ll be able to get back into things soon. However, without a definitive date lined up for when we can all get back together to finish things out, and since we don’t all have the capability to remote record, we’re going to be pushing the releases to bi-weekly in the hopes that the extra time will get us back together without a major gap in releases. If things open up sooner, we’ll be able to go back to weekly.

Now, we don’t want to leave everyone completely hanging, though, so we do have some other ideas in the works to provide some form of continuing content in the interim. While we have focused heavily on TTRPGs and Pathfinder specifically, we are looking to branch out into the video game realm as well, so keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks for journeying along with us through our chats and games, and hopefully we’ll get back to regular Plaguestone releases soon. Stay safe out there, everyone!